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Asian Americans


πŸ‘‹    Hey, blog!

πŸŽ₯     This week we watched episodes one and two of "Asian Americans" (Renee Tajima-Pena, 2020). This five-episode series was a PBS documentary project in which they tried to describe the Asian American story. They included a few major historical events in the documentary and asked family members of some important figures to describe how everything affected them and their community.

😞    In the first episode, we saw how Asian immigrants became the first "undocumented immigrants" in America. Even though they were hard-working individuals who helped build up the USA (by working to make train tracks and shops), they were still depicted as evil in cartoons and didn't get any credit for the good stuff they did. They were basically rewarded with the fear of being kicked out if they had no documents which stated that they were allowed to stay in America. In the second episode, we saw how the question of loyalty affected families within the Asian American community. It was also mentioned how different groups of people like Koreans and Chinese had to make it clear that they weren't Japanese in order to avoid getting attacked. 

πŸ‘   Even though I only saw the first two episodes of this series, I think it did a good job in describing major events and connecting them to family members of those it affected. Like most other documentaries, it is pretty much an impossible mission to capture and represent every last detail of what happened, but this series did appear to do its best to show events that affected people the most. 

πŸ‘€    I would recommend this show if you want to learn a brief lesson on Asian American history. It is pretty educational, but don't expect to learn everything since there are, after all, only a few episodes in the series.



  1. The producers wanted the series to have double the time that it was allocated. However, PBS would only ok five hours despite giving much more time to documentaries on baseball and the civil war. I think this series would be so much more complete if they were allowed the twelve hours that they wanted.

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