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Columbus and Kim's Convenience


πŸ‘‹    Hi, blog!

πŸŽ₯     This week we watched two things: a film titled Columbus and an episode of the show Kim's Convenience. The film was about a young girl meeting an older man. They both had personal problems with their family and seemed to be able to escape and vent with each other. The show revolves around a Korean-Canadian family that owns a convenience store. There appear to be family tensions between the father and the son. As you can tell, both Columbus and Kim's Convenience have moments in the plot where family problems are a big concern. The way they handle these issues are different. though. In the movie, everything is way far tenser, while in the show, the mood is lightened with humor. 

🐒    Columbus felt like a very slow movie for me. I thought that there wasn't enough action for me to get really invested in the plotline. The slowness also made me feel a bit tired and I couldn't really relate to any characters. But I did enjoy the shots that were incorporated within the film. There were shots of the young girl submitting job applications to an office worker and the whole scene gave me summer vibes which I really liked. The use of sound in the film was also nice. I liked hearing the world move around them and I think that added to the relaxed feeling I had while watching it. 

πŸ˜‚   Kim's Convenience felt very lively. I also felt summer vibes from this show. Although I could see how there were tensions between a few family members, I didn't feel a negative mood. The funny scenes within the show made me feel relaxed. I felt like I could attach myself to more characters in this show than I could with the characters from the film I watched for this week.  

πŸ‘€    I recommend Kim's Convenience more than Columbus. I think that the mood you receive from the show is much more entertaining and livelier than the movie which moves relatively slow. 



  1. I agree with the comments on the pacing. I think even though Columbus is a really relaxing movie to me, the slow pace may make it hard for people to watch and sit through. I personally enjoyed Kim's Convenience more since I do prefer comedy over dramas. I do think both of them explore their topics very well and efficiently though.

  2. I wonder how much of your experience of these two shows is guided by genre constraints. A sitcom by definition is shorter and more fast paced because it revolves around humor derived by the situation that it depicts. An arthouse movie allows more time and space to explore emotions and life in detail. It seemed like maybe it was too much detail for you but, again, that might be what we should expect from a film in that category.


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