👋 Hi, blog! 🎥 This week we watched two things: a film titled Columbus and an episode of the show Kim's Convenience . The film was about a young girl meeting an older man. They both had personal problems with their family and seemed to be able to escape and vent with each other. The show revolves around a Korean-Canadian family that owns a convenience store. There appear to be family tensions between the father and the son. As you can tell, both Columbus and Kim's Convenience have moments in the plot where family problems are a big concern. The way they handle these issues are different. though. In the movie, everything is way far tenser, while in the show, the mood is lightened with humor. 🐢 Columbus felt like a very slow movie for me. I thought that there wasn't enough action for me to get really invested in the plotline. The slowness also made me feel a bit tired and I couldn't really relate to any characters. But I di...